Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Slim 'N White Dietary Supplement

Slim N' White

SlimNWhite Dietary Supplement will take the lead in the emerging trends of health and beauty. The product contains 5 components of fat burners, antioxidants, energy boosters and anti-ageing agents as follows:

Gluthatione, an antioxidant which is responsible for skin whitening and rejuvenation. L Carnitine, a fat burner which is responsible for consumption and disposal of fat in the body. Chromium Picolinate, a super sugar metabolizer which is also an energy booster and a cholesterol buster;

Green Tea Extract which lowers down cholesterol, boosts immune system & has a bio defense function in preventing cancer, high blood pressure& diabetes. It also promotes physical rhythm control and has an aging suppressing function.

Vitamin C helps Glutathione stay in its usable form when it enters the body. Vitamin C reverses the oxidation process making Glutathione remain in its reduced form suitable to achieve its skin lightening property. “Glutathione is too large a molecule to effectively pass through the intestine into cells, so supplementing with glutathione alone is not helpful. However, when taken with Vitamin C, which protects it from oxidative damage, Glutathione becomes effective.”

Some illnesses that may be helped by the intake of Slim 'n White are as follows:
1. Obesity / Poor Physique
2. Diabetes
3. Hypertension
4. Hypercholesterolemia
5. Malignancies (Breast, Colon, Lung, Ovarian, Prostate, Pancreas)
6. Cardio Vascular Diseases
7. Kidney Diseases
8. Liver Diseases
9. Immune Diseases

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